Freedom! Dashboard
How do I edit my PayPal on the Freedom! dashboard?
It's actually very easy to add, change or remove your PayPal account. Just follow these steps: Login to your Freedom! account. At the top right side of the page, click your avatar. Click the account settings icon. Select the “Payment Setup” tab, ...
Does Freedom! have a YouTube channel analytics?
Does Freedom! provide a YouTube analytics? Yes. In your Freedom! Partner Dashboard you will be able to check your channel analytics. How do I check my analytics in the Freedom! Partner Dashboard? Login to your Freedom! dashboard and click in the ...
Unable to add channel to Freedom! account "Already in use"
If you are trying to add a channel in a Freedom! account and you receive a message saying that the channel is already in use, it means that the channel you are trying to add is already associated to another Freedom! account. Below are some actions ...
Freedom! dashboard says not linked after accepting invitation
The linked status on the dashboard has a slight delay. The dashboard might state you are not linked although you have already accepted the YouTube invitation. If this is the case, give the tool up to two days to update. One way you can make sure if ...
How do I add/remove channels on my Freedom! Dashboard?
The Freedom! Partner Dashboard allows you to add any number of channels you want so that you can easily manage your channels, partnership, earnings and payments, under one single Freedom! account, that includes all the benefits we have available. ...
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