How to make a great opinion video

How to make a great opinion video

If you are interested in creating opinion videos and you would like some tips, you came to the right place. Here are the suggestions we have for you:

Choose a certain topic
To start you need a topic. It can be anything, religion, politics, recent event, or anything else you have some thoughts about that you would like to share with the public.

Make sure you do your research
One of the most important parts of an opinion video is the research as many opinions are based on facts, and you always want to get the facts right so that you can validate your opinion. Backing up your opinion with data will make sure that you are less open to the bad kind of criticism.

Be careful with your words
As you may know, a lot of people can take things a bit too far when they disagree with an opinion from someone else, so it's important to be sensitive on how different people can react to what you say, and the way you say it, especially in sensitive topics. There is always a way to express your opinion, you just need to find the right words.

Explain substantiate & provide facts
As mentioned above, get the facts to back up your opinion so people understand the reason behind it. The point is not to appear as a rant, but to show the public that you have a clear understanding on the topic and why your opinion is valid, which is something you can reinforce with facts. A successful opinion video is one where you can talk about a topic without upsetting a large portion of your public because they disagree with you for not understand the reasons behind your opinion. Remember, you can't please everyone, but you don't want to upset everyone either, as that can quickly work against you and your channel.

Do not belittle other people's views
Your opinion will always go against someone else's, as everyone has a personal view or perspective for every topic. One important thing to remember is that if you want your opinion to be respected, you have to respect someone else's opinion. From time to time you will encounter people that are very passionate about their opinion on a specific topic, and may not use kind words to describe you and your opinion. It's important to keep calm in those moments and not engage as that can fuel even more unpleasant comments. it's best to sound reasonable than to sound agressive. That will keep you away from the negative reactions that can sometimes get blown out of proportion. 

Share a common ground
Viewers with different opinions will value that there is common ground shared with them if you show that you are willing to accept that there are different people with different opinions about the same topic. Adding suggestions on how to improve what you consider negative can also go a long way to provide value to your audience.

For more details, watch the video below.

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