It's actually possible to have more than 100% audience retention. Learn how below.
Audience retention is an element in your videos that lets you know what portion of your audience is watching or dropping off your videos. When using your YouTube Analytics, under the Audience retention, you will see spikes (audience likes the content), dips (audience doesn't like the content), and flat (audience continues to watch your video, which is good).
Start the video with a hook. The initial 15 seconds of the video are crucial to capture the interest of the viewer. If you fail at this, the chances of keeping the audience watching your video will drop considerably as the video plays.
Provide a brief preview of your video
The previews should include the best parts of your videos, or at least a sneak peek of some of your best material in the video.
Pattern Interrupts
This is when you shake things up in your videos, for example when you change camera angles, add pop-ups, and other things that interrupt the usual pattern. People love these kinds of disruptions.
Incorporate open loops
These are like introduction of a series, or a sneak peek, and you end with viewers thinking about what happened in the video.
You don't need to start with your logo
Even if you have a great animated logo, there is a high chance that viewers will not see that as valuable enough to continue watching your video. Build up a great hook for each video, that's will increase your chances of success.
Use jump cuts
A long static scene of a subject is boring. Skip the boring parts, make cuts. This will keep your audience interest.
Use B-rolls
These can be quite interesting and refreshing to watch, these can be used as a pattern interrupt.
Check out the video below for additional details.