Facebook to help creators monetize claimed videos

Facebook to help creators monetize claimed videos

December 14, 2017

In a blog post, Facebook announced that they are now testing pre-roll ads in their Watch Hub. In this post, Facebook also mentioned that they have updated the guidelines for monetization and introduced new metrics for publishers and creators to better understand how their Ad Breaks perform. Video distribution was also updated, improving the news feed ranking to prioritize videos from pages that have strong repeat viewership. Facebook also updated the way they distributes Ad Breaks on Live videos, making them only available to Pages with more than 50,000 followers.

Facebook also made a reference to branded content, as the number of publishers and creators posting branded content has increased 4 times, since the beginning of 2017.

To check all the details, click here.


April 27, 2017

With the latest update of Facebook's Rights Manager tool, creators can now choose to monetize their videos with Facebook's mid-roll ads. 

According to Facebook "this allows rights owners to claim a share of the money generated if an Ad Break runs in a piece of content that matches the rights owner’s reference file. We’re still early days with testing Ad Break, but this option may be something rights owners want to use in the future."

As Facebook describes in their blog post, rights owners can now find their video content on Facebook, using a new automated process, which has 4 options available for matching videos:

  • Block
  • Claim ad earnings
  • Monitor
  • Manual review match

In addition to that, there are also matching conditions available. These updates will be available for Pages using Rights Manager globally in the coming weeks.

Although this is great news for content creators, the monetization features are not yet as robust as in other platforms, such as YouTube.

For a more details, head over to the official Facebook post.


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